Frank De Canio was born in New Jersey and works in New York. He loves music from Bach to Dory Previn, Amy Beach to Amy Winehouse. Frank hosts a Cafe Philo discussing philosophical issues in lower Manhattan. He has been published online and in Poets’ Espresso Review.
Frank De Canio Poets’ Espresso newsletter A Lover’s Complaint—April-May 2009 For Van (In Memoriam)--April--May 2010
Frank De Canio has been published in over a 100 magazines(and/or e-zines); Danger, Pleiades, Genie, Write On!!, Red Owl, Nuthouse, Love‘s Chance, Words of Wisdom, Rook publishing, Illogical Muse, Writer’s Journal, The Lyric, Free Lunch, Art Times, Pearl; Hazmat, Medicinal Purposes, Blue Unicorn and Ship of Fools, Raintown Review, and others. On the web he is on POETZ, Contemporary Rhyme, Language and Culture, and Thick with Conviction.