Kathryn Jacobs Poets’ Espresso newsletter Concerning the “Negative Human-Bear Interactions” / So Deeply Mourned by the New York Times—August-September 2009 Byzantium Rebuilt—October-November 2009
Kathryn Jacobs is a medievalist turned poet with a doctorate from Harvard with one volume of poetry (Advice Column) published at Finishing Line Press, and another, Signs of Our Times, forthcoming from Pudding House. She has as of 2009, 106 poems published or accepted by a wide variety of journals such as Acumen, Quantum Leap, The Recusant, Measure, Washington Literary Review, Barefoot Muse, Ibbetson Magazine, Slant, Lucid Rhythms, Xavier Review, Chimaera, The Blue Unicorn, Main Channel Voices, The Chaffin, Wild Goose Review, Road Not Taken, 14 by 14, Wordgathering, Nth Position, Deronda Review, Dance Macabre, Raintown, Voices on the Wind, New Verse, and numerous others, most since her son’s death in 2005.