“The most slowly emerging poet of our generation.” - Melanie
Poetry samples on (maybe found elsewhere since another took up the web hosting but this is the old link) www.poetscornerpress.com, if you'd like to see if they're still there, copy and paste links into your internet browser: http://www.poetscornerpress.com/putahcreekjbj.html#melanie “How To Be 50” at Putah Creek http://www.poetscornerpress.com/melanie1.mp3 Acupuncture (audio) http://www.poetscornerpress.com/Competition.html#Acupuncture Acupuncture http://www.poetscornerpress.com/giftwrapped.mp3 Giftwrapped (audio) http://www.poetscornerpress.com/subdivisions.mp3 Subdivisions (audio) http://www.poetscornerpress.com/tobeawoman.mp3 To Be a Woman (audio)
7th Grade Reading/Language Arts teacher, Lodi Middle School Sinophile Travel and study through National Consortium for Teaching Asia Guest lecturer for Scholars and Samurai - UOP & NCTA Teacher Leader Award International Studies - UC Former actress (mostly aspiring, but see Lost Boys) Former member of the Board of the Sacramento Poetry Center
AOS American Academy of Dramatic Arts
BA Hunter College, N.Y.
Dropper in and dropper out of various graduate programs from writing to theatre to anthropology
Credits include several local/regional publications including:
Jewel of the Valley - Blue Moon press
Whispers Along the Delta - Blue Moon Press
One (dog) Press - James Lee Jobe
Clan of the Cave Dog - James Lee Jobe
Poetry Now - Sacramento Poetry Center
Sex in Public - Keely Durran
"Art" publications - handmade booklets, chapbooks, artsy little limited edition numbers Readings, host for readings, lectures, etc - various local and regional venues - and every day at Lodi Middle
Melanie Sievers was featured among the poetry readings on Comcast television on John Morearty's program “Talking It Through,” during summer of 2004