Paula Sheil Literary/Arts Resume--Last update in 2007
EDITING Sept. 1996 to 2001 Founder and editor of ZamBomba!, a free quarterly poetry journal featuring poets primarily of the California Central Valley (Circ. 7,000 from San Diego to Seattle). Published 350 poets and 550 original poems. Jan. 2000 to 2002 Vintage, a monthly senior magazine (Circ. 70,000) of The Record. Topics include: work, retirement, leisure, financial planning, families, pets, health, food, mental health, travel, books. Jan. 2001 to 2003 SJParenting, a monthly parenting magazine (Circ. 70,000) of The Record. Topics: peers, sexuality, fertility, birth, sports, finances, holidays, trends, public health, pediatric advice, community resources, food, books. PUBLICATIONS Newspaper Articles 1996 to present, The Record, Staff Writer, features and business articles more than 2,000 stories archived. Topics include: health, finance, seniors, family dynamics, women, veterans, food, home & garden, trends, arts, fashion, profiles. 1993-1995 Downtown Focus, a monthly newspaper promoting urban revitalization. 1995 Art&Soul, a monthly newspaper devoted to the arts in Stockton. 1994 El Foro Magazine, “Un Artista de la Masa,” translated into Spanish by Carlos Bonilla Books 2003 Trinity Times –Ate, a book of poems. Poets Corner Press, Stockton 2003 The Humanist and the Rainbow: Robert Edward Green. Published transcript of 1996 interview with the atheist minister of the First Unitarian Church of Stockton. Archived at Harvard School of Divinity. 1998 The Moon in Three Pieces: Poets Edie Postell, Paula Sheil and Josee Andrei, AMP Press, Lodi Play 1996 Dancing off the Edge: A Tribute to Jess Saenz. Selected for performance at the 8th National AIDS Update Conference, San Francisco. Performed in Stockton at The Outpost and the Stockton Civic Memorial Auditorium for World AIDS Day. Spoken Word (Partial list) 2005 Opened with tribute for Lawrence Ferlinghetti: Poet, Painter and defender of Free Speech, Nov. 2, on the occasion of his exhibition at the Brentwood Business and Technology Center. Sponsored by the Brentwood Arts Commission. 2004 In the Moment: Improvisation troupe, including jazz musicians, poets, painters and dancers. American Blues Theatre Company and The Haggin Museum in Stockton; 21 Grand in Oakland. 2004 and 2005 Artists Embassy International Dancing Poetry. Palace of the Legion of Honor San Francisco. 2003 Enrico’s, North Beach, San Francisco, Feature for Poet’s Corner Press 2003 Juliana’s Kitchen, Sacramento, Calif. Feature with Richard Rios and David Humphrey, Poets Corner Press. 2001 Jewel of the Valley Poetry Series, Lodi, Calif. Feature. 2000 Paula Sheil at Morris Chapel, presented by the Marian Jacobs Literary Forum of the Stockton Arts Commission. 1999 Some Local Poets, Mariposa. Featured reader with Kathy Coleman. 1999 Central Sierra Arts Council Poetry feature with dancer Lisa Rie. 1998 Malvadino Winery. Feature with Lisa Rie. 1996 Polk Street Cafe, San Francisco. Featured reader. 1995-1998 Open Microphone Host at Safari Tea and Coffee Company and Sacramento Baking Company Numerous radio performances for KUOP, Stockton; KUSF, San Francisco; KFCF, Fresno. Regular reader and performer in San Francisco and throughout Northern California. Performances often include dancer, Lisa Rie and various musicians. Poems (Partial list) Ongoing audio presence at 2004 Best Poetry, Poet’s Corner Press, 2000-2004.Selections from Trinity Times-Ate. 2003 Poets Corner Press Audio CD2: “”Another Word for News,” “Buying Indulgences,” and “Notes From Black Belt Class.” 200 Poets Corner Audio CD: “Talking to Eve” and “Isn’t Each Child.” 2002 Jewel of the Valley: A California Anthology, Blue Moon Press, “On What is Writing,” and “Who Says There Are Stars?” 2001 Calligraphic Type in the Digital Age: An Exhibition of the Contributions of Hermann and Gudrun Zapf. Gingko Press. “NYX, Night Goddess Bears Tribe of Dreams.” Poem to illustrate font Nyx created by Rick Cusick 1999 In the Grove: A Literary Journal, Fresno, CA. "A Woman Returns to Sanity in the Bath," "The New Main, San Francisco" 1998-1999 Poetry Now, Sacramento (CA) Literary Calendar and Review "Wash," and "Telling Our Story" 1998 Pudding Magazine: An International Journal of Applied Poetry, Ohio, "The New Main, San Francisco" 1998 One Dog Press, Davis, CA, “The New Main, San Francisco” 1997 Awaa-te 3, The City and How We Live, San Francisco, "From My Womb, They Bleed" 1997-1999 The Poets Corner, KUOP, Stockton, "Talking To Eve," "Isn't Each Child," "The New Main, San Francisco," "At the Swan's Crossing" 1996 The Unitarian Universalist Poets: A Contemporary American Study, Ed. Jennifer Bosveld, Pudding House Publications, “To Question is the Answer.” 1996, Free Space, Chapbook on Cassette Tape 1994-1999 Connections: An Alternative Newspaper of San Joaquin County, CA, "Kelly Freed is Dead," "All My Pretty Babies," "The Poet is Letting Her Hair Grow," "Maids of All Work," "At the Swan's Crossing." 1994 Downtown Focus, Stockton, "L'Donna" 1994 Sex in America: An Anthology of Women's Love Poems, Crescent Moon, England. "Leaving Work to Make Love" and "1969" 1993 World: The Journal of the Unitarian Universalist Association, "To Question is the Answer" 1993-1995 Up Against the Wall, Mother..., Miriam Press, VA "Blood of My Blood," "The Power of Touch," "Isn't Each Child?" "Lucian, Bringer of Light," "Settling In," "Flatline," "To Question is the Answer," "Don't Blow Out the Candles Till We Sing," 1993-1994 Bay Area Poets Coalition Anthology, Berkeley, CA "Raw material," "Borrowed Dress" 1992 Journeys: A Literary Magazine, Colorado Springs, CO "Blood of My Blood" 1991 Women of the 90s Conference, University of the Pacific 1975 Raymond Review, University of the Pacific Dance 1991-1995 Member of New Dance Company: Contributed spoken word dance pieces: ”A Party With People I Know,” “Sister, My Dearest” and “Swinging Like Thunder to the Scent of Vanilla.” Served as president of the Board of Directors. 1994 “Hansel and Gretel,” Stockton Ballet School. Witch. Theater Teresa Salieri, “Amadeus,” Stockton Civic Theatre Hattie Dealing, “Laundry and Bourbon,” Tokay Players Rona, “Kennedy’s Children.” 1981 Several Characters, “The Resurrection of Alice Gerstenberg,” Stockton Women’s Theatre One-woman show, Judy Grahn’s “The Common Woman,” performed in cafes, festivals, women’s clubs, women’s prison 1979 Extra, “Our Town” 1979 Several characters, “Women’s Spirit: A Feminist Poetry Anthology,” Stockton Women’s Theatre 1978 Sandy, “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” Stockton Civic Theatre 1978 Bernarda, ‘The House of Bernarda Alba,” Stockton Women’s Theatre 1975 Christopher Robin, :Six Winnie-the-Pooh Stories,” Children’s radio Theatre, KUOP, Stockton Costumes Assisted, “Amadeus,” Stockton Civic Theatre “St. George and the Dragon,” University of the Pacific, Lifelong Learning Children’s Workshop in costume design using nontraditional materials. 1981 “Equus,” Stockton Civic Theatre 1980 “Streamers,” Stockton Civic Theatre 1980-1981 Costume Consultant, Edison High School Drama Department 1980 Renaissance Costume Workshop, Stockton Development Center (handicapped adults) 1979 “Our Town,” Stockton Civic Theatre 1976 “Romeo and Juliet,” Davis Elementary School, Lodi 1974 “Macbeth,” Live Oak Elementary School, Lodi Design 1982 “Ozma of Oz,” Stockton Civic Children’s Theatre 1979 “Private Lives,” Stockton Civic Theatre, Nominated for Best set, 1979 1976 “Romeo and Juliet,” Davis Elementary School, Lodi 1974 “Macbeth,” Live Oak Elementary School, Lodi Directing/Producing 1982-1984 Founded, directed “Company 10,” children’s touring, rep company 1982 Founded the Stockton Civic Children’s Theatre Play Festival, 4-8th grade productions in San Joaquin County 1980 Company Manger, “Pippin,” Summer Youth Employment Project 1980 “The Hobbit,” Stockton Civic Children’s Theatre 1978 Founded Stockton Civic Children’s Theatre, directed ‘Toad of Toad Hall” 1975-1980 Numerous elementary school productions, including adapted Shakespeare and “A Christmas Carol.” Teaching 1996-2002 Strawberry Music Festival, Camp Mather, Calif. Poetry Workshops. 1996-1998 Poetry classes for City of Stockton Parks and Recreation 1986-1987 Self-employed as Playmakers, offering 6-week to 3-month Artist-in-Residence, for public and private schools in Stockton, Lodi, Manteca and Chinese Camp, Calif. 1985 Drama teacher, Summer Arts School, Stockton Arts Commission 1984 Teacher In-Services, Stockton Unified School District, Play Production 1979-1984 Led theater tours with acting classes to Oregon Shakespeare Festival 1978-1982 Drama Workshops, Lifelong Learning, University of the Pacific 1975 Arts in the Park, Women’s Center of San Joaquin County Awards 2003 California Newspaper Publishers Association. Second place for general writing. 2003 Stockton Arts Commission, 2nd Annual Prose Competition, Honorable Mention for The Secret Book of Sands: Mazatlan STAR Award: Stockton’s Top Arts Award, 1998. Honored for work in theater, dance and literature. Poetry Fellowship, Feather River Writer’s Conference, 1997 Layne Fields Award, Stockton Civic Theatre, 1984-85. Honored for acting, directing, designing and administration. STAR Award Nomination, 1983, Honored for Stockton Civic Children’s Theatre Special Honors, Stockton Civic Theatre. 1980-81. Honored for founding and directing Stockton Civic Children’s Theatre. PAULA SHEIL (209) 954-5434 [email protected] EDUCATION University of the Pacific, Raymond College, BA in Liberal Arts California Teaching Credentials, Grades K-12, Adults; Multi-Subject and Single Subject (Social Science) New College of California, San Francisco, MA Writing and Consciousness Studied with Neeli Cherkovski (Whitman’s Wild Children and Bukowski: A Life); Juvenal Acosta (The Tattoo Hunter); Judy Grahn (Another Mother Tongue) and David Meltzer (Two-Way Mirror) EMPLOYMENT HISTORY As of August 8, 2006 – Newly hired English Faculty Member, San Joaquin Delta College 1996-2006 The Record, Staff Writer: Daily newspaper, circ. 70,000. Former editor monthly magazines, Vintage and SJParenting. More than 2,000 articles archived. 2003 California Newspaper Publishers Association Second Place Award in Writing for “Killing On Daggett Road” the story of a Latino teen’s failure to change and the system that let him down. 2002 The Power of the Personal: Covering Children, Families and Trauma, Conference Fellow. Annenberg School of Communications, University of Southern California and Casey Journalism Center. 2001-Present San Joaquin Delta College, Adjunct Instructor, English. Contiguous semesters of either English 79: Preparatory English; English 1A: Written Communications/Rhetorical Modes; English 1D: Critical Composition/Argument and Persuasion; Creative Writing (Spring 2004, publication of Mad Cow, a student designed fiction and poetry anthology); English 1B: Written Communications/Introduction to Literature; and have requested English 37: Women in Literature for Fall 2006 Fall 2004 and Fall 2005 University of the Pacific, Adjunct Instructor, General Education. Mentor Seminar I. Interdisciplinary thinking, writing and discussion course, investigating historical, philosophical, scientific, religious and aesthetic perspectives on the acquisition, value, consequences and responsibility of knowledge. Included the use of Blackboard and on-line forums. 1993-1996 American Friends Service Committee, Program Assistant: Public relations, bookkeeping, newsletter and Downtown Focus newspaper development. June 1992-Oct. 1992 Rock Bottom Beds and Furnishings, Computer Accounting Specialist: Brought computer accounting system on-line. Devised inventory numbering methodology, trained management and data entry personnel. Jan. 1990-May 1992 Tandy Business Systems Sales, Account Executive: Education and corporate sales totaled $500,000 in 12-month period for hardware, software, peripherals, training, support and lease financing. 1987-1989 Catholic Charities, Diocese of Stockton, Development Director: Worked with 18-member board of directors to raised $250,000 from donors and special events. Supervised development of computerized donor base of 32 parishes and 5,000 individuals. Supervised staff of two and up to 100 volunteers. Aug. 1989-July 1990 Raymond Alumni Association, University of the Pacific, Consultant/Development Director: Headed $100,000 endowment campaign. Produced direct mail, newsletter, computerized donor base for new 501(C) (3) organization. Aug. 1986-Jan. 1987 Owl Productions, LTD, Film “Valentino Returns,” Assistant to the Producer: Clerical, catering, dailies, film editing intern, accounting, locations. Collated and compiled still photo library. 1986-1987 Playmakers, Self-Employed Drama Consultant to Central Valley and Mother Lode school districts in play production for elementary and junior high students. Conducted teacher in-services, week, month or longer residencies, and taught drama and poetry performance during summer session for Stockton Arts Commission. 1985-1991 YMCA, Aerobics Instructor 1985-1987 YMCA of San Joaquin County, Development Director: Worked with 27-member board of directors. Fundraising, public relations. Computerized donor database. 1983-1984 San Joaquin County Arts Council, Coordinator: Worked with 15-member board of directors to implement the newly created county agency. Office management, public relations, policy formation, funding requests to San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors and California Arts Council. 1980-1983 Stockton Arts Commission, Coordinator: Worked with 16-member board of directors. Office management, supervised staff of two and up to 250 volunteers during annual Arts Festival, program development and documentation to Stockton City Council and California Arts Commission 1975-1980 Lodi Unified School District, Teacher. Grades 4-6. Language arts, reading, play production, journalism. |
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